Sunday, September 20, 2009

Finally found the perfect place for these two to be!!
Gram and Pop in Stockton wanted to celebrate Bo's 4th
birthday their way so we went to Chuck E. Cheese's in Rkfd.

Gram and Bo :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Still under construction....

In the beginning, there was dark tar paper and then came
sheets of lathe.
and then there was daylight and the mortar was applied
as chores allowed.

we've waited weeks and now we have stone going on and staying on.

Bo and daddy are quite the masons.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our experience

We arrived when one bus was leaving and this is the 2nd bus.
From the bus window, driving up to the drop off
for spectators.

We found out upon closer spectating that they were digging
a 9 foot deep pond.

We finally arrived.

The fire dept was called to spray water to keep the dust